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A Pig Quest

A Pig QuestMy name is Frank Further. Further... It’s kind of ironic, come to think of it, as I’ve never left my village. Neither had my dad and his dad before him.
It’s the same for everyone in our land since our four statues of wellness were stolen one night moons ago. Everyone seems to be cursed with numbness, immobility and indifference. Adventure, curiosity, audacity and courage are words that have disappeared from our vocabulary.

I was born in Porkville and, as sure as the gods made little green apples, I know I’m going to die in Porkville. Without ever leaving the valley. Oh, don’t get me wrong. It’s a nice and pleasant lowland with green pastures, fruit trees, wild mushrooms, flowers and a beautiful little pond.
The only thing that disturbs the peace of this little haven are the mosquitoes and the fireflies. I hate these stupid insects and I sometimes chase them. I have to be thankful to them though as it is during one of my mundane bug hunts that I stumbled upon the entrance to a cave... Could this be my quest? A pig quest?

Experience one of the most incredible stories ever told on the Commodore 64: 5 large worlds to explore, hundreds of enemies and 30+ epic SID tunes that appear dynamically in this action packed platformer with puzzle elements intelligently woven in as the story unfolds.

Ordering the game:
Boxed Editions
Digital download

Development Status:


  • Non-linear gameplay
  • Beautifully animated bitmap background and enemies
  • 200 screens across 5 worlds
  • 100% non-tiled bitmap mode, allowing for more graphical variation
  • Weapons and armour system
  • Dynamic environment & weather
  • More pigs than dragons
  • A dazzling 30+ situational SID tunes
  • A lot of pigs, actually
  • Cinematic cutscenes
  • Secret areas
  • Cartridge only (1MB)
  • Fully PAL/NTSC and GS compatible
  • 2Mhz mode support on C128
  • Protopad support

A game by Piggy 18 Team
Code: Antonio Savona
Gfx and concept: Mauricet
Music and sfx: Aldo Chiummo and Gaetano Chiummo


The lake of Blekksprut The Temple of Hranazir Slime ...des morts. The Skull The Riyeder

Status updates:

A Pig Quest Gold Carts ready for production
(News written on 29.03.2024)

We are just about there! We have commenced duplication of the gold carts for A Pig Quest and we will start to ship these out to customers in 2 to 3 weeks. If you have changed your address since placing your order then this will be the time to let us know by sending us an email via our Contact webpage.

The production of standard editions will commence once we receive our large order of our brand new PCBs.

A Pig Quest Update
(News written on 19.02.2024)

We have some great news – our new cartridge design is now fully functional and passed all tests on C64s, C128s, Mega65, Ultimate 64 and whatnot! Finally a host for bigger games!

However, we had to make adjustments to its design for various reasons, most notably the unavailability of certain components, which in turn means that the games to be used with it (such as A Pig Quest) need adaptation. While we are still waiting for the game updates, the Piggy 18 team has told us they are practically ready and will send us the new version after a final playtest. Once we receive the updated build of A Pig Quest, we will be able to start shipping (after another final test on our hardware).

Please note that shipping to all customers will take a number of months to complete as we only have limited capacity to process orders. We will first complete Gold cartridge orders before sending out the standard versions.

A Pig Quest Physical Cart update
(News written on 21.09.2023)

We have some positive news for customers who pre-ordered the physical cartridge editions of A Pig Quest.

We were able to get the game boxes produced before our supplier shut down permanently. We had to pay a premium, but we felt this was the right action for us to take so as to not add any further delay to the delivery of the physical carts.

On the cartridge PCB front, we have continued to experience frustration with getting the new design finalized. After resolving the initial issue around EU regulation compliance, we had to deal with PCB components no longer being available. We are pleased to say that the latest revision to the PCB has passed its initial testing. We will need to conduct further testing on different hardware configurations but we are hopeful of being very close to starting production in a few weeks if all goes well with these tests. Once production has started it will still take months to actually deliever all orders.

We’ll provide a further update when the production run commences but we would like to thank all of our customers for their patience and support.


A Pig Quest Update
(News written on 29.04.2023)

Due to its size, A Pig Quest will be presented on a new cartridge design that we are currently developing. This process has been slow as we have run into issues with the original PCB prototype not being compliant with EU laws and then the revised prototypes being held up in customs for over 3 months. The good news is that we have recently received the revised PCB boards and our tests have only uncovered minor issues that we don’t expect to impact the design much. We will conduct further tests to be on the safe side.

Unfortunately, additional supply issues will impact the shipping time frame for A Pig Quest. Our box inlay producer has entered into bankruptcy and our box manufacturer has given notice that they will cease production very soon. We are in the process of finding alternate suppliers that can deliver the quality packaging that Protovision products are well known for.

We will provide further updates as they come to hand as we strive to deliver these great titles to our pre-order customers as soon as possible.

A Pig Quest collection of Youtube Reviews
(News written on 23.02.2023)

It has just been over a week since the release of A Pig Quest and the game has received broad critical acclaim from the C64 community. There have been so many great Youtube reviews and long plays of the game. Here is a selection of our favourites.

ObscuraPrima: Longplay video
BastichB 64K: Review/Interview
RetroGamerNation: Review/RoundUp
8-Bit Flo: Level 1 play through (German)

A Pig Quest Reaches 1500 Sales
(News written on 20.02.2023)

Within its first week of release, A Pig Quest has passed 1500 in total sales, with more than 300 of these being the physical version. This would make A Pig Quest one of the most successful commercial C64 games in recent times! Congratulations to all involved and heres to many more sales.

The physical version of the game can be ordered from the Protovision Shop while the digital version can be purchased from the Piggy 18 Itch.Io page.

A Pig Quest v1.01 update
(News written on 16.02.2023)

The latest update to A Pig Quest (v1.01) is now available to download for all customers who pre-ordered the physical cartridge version of the game (standard and gold).

To access the updated version, simply use the same download link you used to get the original version. Protovision always updates its download links for its games as soon as they are released. So if there are any further updates to A Pig Quest (and any other game we release), you can instantly access them via your download link.

A Pig Quest (Standard Version) available for pre-orders now!
(News written on 14.02.2023)

A great moment has come! The standard cartridge version of A Pig Quest is now open to pre-orders on the Protovision Shop. All pre-orders will immediately obtain access to the digital download version.

If you wish to only purchase the digital download version of the game then head on over to the Piggy 18 Itch.Io page.

A Pig Quest Download available to Gold Cart Customers
(News written on 12.02.2023)

We have a treat for customers who pre-ordered the Gold Cartridge version of A Pig Quest! Your download link for the game is NOW ready. Simply log into your Protovision Shop account and view your order to access the link.

Early Access to A Pig Quest (Gold Cart Orders)
(News written on 10.02.2023)

A reminder to those who have pre-ordered the golden cartridge version of A Pig Quest – the digital download version of the game will be made available to you two days early on February 12! To be eligible to order this special edition, you must be a Protovision supporter via Patreon, Tipeee or the Protopad campaign or you purchased more than 250 Euros of items from the Protovision Shop. The regular edition pre-orders will open February 14.

Pre-Order your A Pig Quest (GOLD edition) NOW!
(News written on 03.02.2023)

A Pig Quest has been selected as our Gold Cartridge release for 2023. A Pig Quest is an action adventure game spread out across 5 worlds and shines with its care for detail. The game contains so many pigs that it will be released on our new 1MB carts!

Pre-orders for the limited GOLD edition are now open. To be eligible to order this special edition, you must be a Protovision supporter via Patreon, Tipeee or the Protopad campaign or you purchased more than 250 Euros of items from the Protovision Shop. The regular edition pre-orders will open February 14.

A Pig Quest – Game Page and Gold Cart 2023
(News written on 09.01.2023)

It’s almost here! The action/puzzle platformer „A Pig Quest“ for the Commodore 64 is ready to be unleashed on February 14. Head on to our official A Pig Quest game page for more details.

We are also excited to announce that A Pig Quest will be our limited edition Gold Cartridge game for 2023 – more details on this to come in early February.

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