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Pieces II – The Community Release

Pieces II bases on levels from the community and can be downloaded for free - from the community, for the community!

We have collected game levels in a level design competition - and here are the winners:

The Most Difficult Level to Solve

1st place - Karl-Johan Nilsson (60 Euro Shop voucher)
2nd place - Hannes Malecki (30 Euro Shop voucher)
3rd place - Attila Deak (10 Euro Shop voucher)

The Most Number of Levels Submitted and Approved For Game Inclusion
1st place - Andreas Voigt (60 Euro Shop voucher)
2nd place - Stefano Tognon (30 Euro Shop voucher)
3rd place - Nikola Petri (10 Euro Shop voucher)

Pieces IIPieces II is a tile matching puzzle game where the aim is to move pieces of the same kind together in order to clear them from the level.
Pieces II is more than just a follow up to the first Pieces game (created by the cracker scene over a decade ago). It improves upon the original with its slick presentation and addictive levels that will have you playing for hours on end.

Development status:

Produced by: Oxyron
Distribution: Protovision
Coder: Pawel Krol
Graphics: Timo Buschmann
Sound&SFX: Thomas Manske
Developed with: DREAMASS & +60K Turbo Assembler

Have fun with Pieces 2! Copy sand spread the game any way you like.


Pieces II Pieces II Pieces II Pieces II end

Status updates:

Pieces II Release & Compo Results
(News written on 14.11.2022)

Pieces II is now available as a free download from the Protovision website. This release improves upon the original with slicker presentation and the inclusion of 200 levels – most of which are contributed by the community.

The community designed levels were submitted as part of the Pieces II Level Design Compo and we are pleased to announce the following winners:

The Most Difficult Level to Solve

1st place – Karl-Johan Nilsson (60 EURO PTV Shop voucher)
2nd place – Hannes Malecki (30 EURO PTV Shop voucher)
3rd place – Attila Deak (10 EURO PTV Shop voucher)


The Most Number of Levels Submitted and Approved For Game Inclusion

1st place – Andreas Voigt (60 EURO PTV Shop voucher)
2nd place – Stefano Tognon (30 EURO PTV Shop voucher)
3rd place – Nikola Petri (10 EURO PTV Shop voucher)

Congratulations to the winners! We will be in touch shortly to arrange your vouchers. Thank you to all who have contributed and submitted levels to this competition!

Pieces II Compo is over – Keep your Levels coming!
(News written on 29.03.2022)

Our Pieces II Level Design Compo 2021/2022 ended on 2022/02/28. Towards the end, the number of submissions really took off. Many thanks to all participators for making the community spirit palpable. Hence, the goal of the compo has already been achieved. All compo entries are currently being reviewed. In the meantime, due to demand of a few dedicated individuals, Pawel created "Pieces II (No More Prizes) Post-Compo". This way, you still may submit levels for Pieces II until 2022/12/31 – just out of competition.
So, have fun creating even more levels!

Pieces II Level Design Compo Ending Soon!
(News written on 23.02.2022)

A friendly reminder to all budding puzzle game designers out there that our Pieces II Level Design Competition will be closing for submission soon. You have up to February 28 to submit your puzzle levels and be in the running for Protovision Shop vouchers. More information can be found here.

RGN February 2022 Video featuring Pieces II Level Design Compo
(News written on 06.02.2022)

Retro Gamer Nations latest C64 Round Up is out. As usual, it covers a lot of game news, recent and upcoming releases as well as pixel art from the scene. In this episode, BastichB 64K joined to co-review You Have to Win the Game.
Pieces II Level Design Compo is part of the news (direct link).

Original Pieces bug fixed, last month of Pieces II Level Design Compo!
(News written on 30.01.2022)

Pieces is a puzzle game that was coded back in the mid 90s. Unfortunately, it never received an official commercial release due to the fading C64 market. A "crack" of Pieces has existed for a while, but this version did not fix a bug from the original that prevented one of its levels from being solvable.

Thanks to the attention received as a result of our Pieces II Level Design Compo, the scene group Excess has just produced a version that fixes this bug and a few others. Download it here: Pieces +3FP – enjoy! It is easy to pick up, but hard to pick down.

Back to Pieces II: The deadline of our Level Design Compo is 2022/02/28 – just one month away! So, fire up our level editor (Java based; Windows executable), get those grey cells going and become a part of the game with your own created levels. There are some great vouchers to be won which can be used for any item in our store.
Have fun, and good luck!

Pieces II Competition: another 3 months!
(News written on 01.12.2021)

We have decided to prolong our Pieces II Compo as some people reported issues with the Java based level editor.

We now have a Windows executable for you – so please create a level with it for our community game! Every participant wins!

Pieces II Compo: Deadline today!
(News written on 30.11.2021)

Today is the official deadline for our Pieces II competition, so be quick and hand in one or two levels for the game now – every participant wins prizes!


Win Protovision Prizes – Pieces II Level Design Compo!
(News written on 12.09.2021)

Have you heard that you can win a Protovision shop voucher by entering the Pieces II Level Design Compo? Pieces II is an upcoming puzzle game release that will include level designs from the C64 community. Design and submit your level. If you are a winning entry, you will received a voucher to use in our online shop. You can find out more details here.

Pieces II Level Design Compo 2021!
(News written on 02.09.2021)

Time to get creative by participating in the Pieces II Level Design competition. Here is to your chance to support the C64 gaming community by designing new game levels for the upcoming release of Pieces II. Top entries shall be included in the final Pieces II release. The best submissions will be awarded phenomenal prizes. Find out more here .

Pieces II – The Story continues!
(News written on 19.05.2021)

Great news for fans of tile matching style games like Puzznic! Pawel Krol has started working on Pieces II again and is looking to drive development through to completion.
Pawel will be looking to the C64 community to help with puzzle designs via a competition that will be run soon. With this new injection of motivation behind the project, we are confident to have more news on the game (and the competition) soon. Stay tuned!

Pieces II – Mutating Blocks
(News written on 23.09.2011)

This week Pawel has accomplished implementation of mutating blocks feature into Pieces II game engine. That means that we are almost done with our coding efforts, and the only thing left to be done will now be level design. The only bad thing about mutating blocks is that the game engine got noticeably slower now (as now it additionally needs to calculate each possible mutation). However it is not slow enough to affect positive user experience.

Pieces II News
(News written on 31.08.2011)

Pawel returns with news on Pieces II: He has started coding the level editor as a cross-platform tool.

Vandalism News #55 – The Market
(News written on 01.05.2011)

Issue 55 of the high quality scene diskmag Vandalism News by Wrath Designs and Onslaught again collected some fine news on games in development. This includes some general information on Protovision and Metal Dust Mobile for cell phones, developed by Dark Crystal Entertainment. What the chapter does not tell is that the future of Metal Dust Mobile is uncertain at present.

There are also a few details about titles by our partners, such as:
– MK II by Los Burros del Soft
Grubz by Singular
– La Carretera (aka The Road) by Los Burros del Soft
Pieces II by Oxyron

Vandalism News #55 can be downloaded from CSDb.

Pieces II News and Preview released
(News written on 26.08.2010)

That is what happened on Pieces II this month:

  • NTSC fix finalized
  • Pressing space bar after entering player’s name for hi-scores did not work… Now it has been fixed!
  • Fixed correct message displaying of "Game Over"/"Well Done" in "The End" part
  • Entering player’s name for hi-score froze the game when a name was first typed, then deleted, and then confirmed by pressing the “RETURN” key – fixed!
  • Removed annoying blinking in the text area of "The End" part after user entered his name for hi-scores
  • Info screen and Protovision intro added
  • Successfully tested on the following hardware: C64 (PAL) with 1541, Oceanic, 1581, CMD-FD, CMD-HD, 1541U, IDE64; C128D (PAL) as well as C64 (NTSC) with 1541.

The Preview has been released by now and can be downloaded from CSDb.
Playing is done with a joystick in port 2. Alternatively, control also works via keyboard (WSAD keys and space bar). If you get stuck, you can give up the current attempt by pressing RUN/STOP.
Please feel free to leave comments at the CSDb entry.

Pieces II News
(News written on 01.08.2010)

Here is what Pawel has managed to accomplish this weekend in terms of Pieces II:

  • Support for alternative device numbers (removed all hard-coded references to device #8)
  • IDE64 compatibility (verified on real hardware with Pawel’s own IDE64 device)
  • Removed some flickering at the lower border, which appeared on a C64C and has been a little disturbing

Pieces II News
(News written on 22.07.2010)

NTSC fixing of Pieces II is almost done. Pawel has been testing the game today after the changes he made to the code, and it all seems good.

Pieces II News
(News written on 06.07.2010)

Pawel has done another small fix for Oxyron’s game Pieces II today. Namely, he has fixed the situation when the “hi.scores” file has been deleted from disk accidentally (or on purpose? 😉 ). Previously in such situation random characters were displayed on the screen and the whole high scores file handling (loading/saving) was broken. Now even if there is no such file on the disk, everything will work as it should (default hi-score data is kept in memory).

Pieces II News
(News written on 05.07.2010)

Here is a summary of what Pawel has done on Pieces II last weekend:

  • Now using the Covert Bitops loader system (so that we can be compatible to most drives and NTSC)
  • Fixed a bug in the preview reported previously by JTR: “I played through all levels, entered my name into the highscore list and returned to the main menu. Now I cannot restart the game! It does not react on my fire button anymore! I think that’s a bug.”

Work on NTSC fixing the game has now begun.

Pieces II News
(News written on 29.06.2010)

Oxyron has been hard-working! The following features have been implemented into Pieces II:

  • Possibility of using keyboard in addition to joystick (WSAD keys + space bar). Since space bar is now emulating joystick fire button, to give up a level you must now press RUN/STOP instead of space bar.
  • In the title screen, the 1×2 single color hires font has been replaced with a new 1×2 multicolor charset by Timo.

More fixes are to come: The next task Pawel is going to work on is installing a decent IRQ loader system.

Pieces II News
(News written on 31.05.2010)

The preview of the puzzle game Pieces II by Oxyron has already been presented at Forever 10 Party in Slovakia in 2009.

Pawel has compiled his ToDo list, which among other things includes installing a new fastloader and NTSC fixing the game. Furthermore, Timo created a really nice multicolor font. It should fit perfectly into the game start screen and replace the currently used mono-color font. Currently, Pawel is just writing a converter for it.

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