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Planet X2.1

Planet X2.1If you think the Commodore 64 cannot handle real-time strategy games, think again.

When The 8-Bit Guy presented Planet X2 in 2017, it was the first game of its kind for the C64 and it sold more copies than any other C64 game in that year, even though also Sam's Journey was released in the same year (well, END of the same year)!

Planet X2.1 is a collaboration product between Protovision and The 8-Bit Guy: our development team has taken up Planet X2 and brought it to the next level, with in-game music and sound effects, improved graphics and an achievement system, amongst other things.

Features of Planet X2.1:

  • completely overhauled codebase resulting in a number of game play improvements
  • the game now runs completely from cartridge
  • additional playfields - now counting 14 maps
  • 8 selectable in-game tunes
  • simultaneous in-game music and sound effects
  • new graphics from our pixel magician John Henderson (known for his artwork in The Wild Wood)
  • an achievement system, graphically represented by 42 different medals
  • achievements saved to cartridge

Ordering the game:
Boxed Edition
Digital Download

Development status:

Coding: David Murray (The 8-Bit Guy), Simon Green (Simon/Protovision)
Graphics: John Henderson (Hend/Protovision)
Music: Jan Harries (Sidwave/Protovision)


Title Screen
Title Screen
Your base
Your base
Into the woods



Building a missile silo


Losing a battle

Status updates:

ZZap! 64 Annual 2021: Four Protovision games reviewed
(News written on 02.04.2021)

The ZZap! 64 Annual 2021 has started to make its way to backers of the Kickstarter campaign. This awesome book includes strong positive reviews of four Protovision titles:

This high-quality publication is available to order from Fusion Retro Books now.

Planet X2.1 US Distribution
(News written on 30.01.2021)

After about three months, our bulk delivery of Planet X2.1 finally arrived in North America. Now, US based customers can order this real-time strategy game locally and directly from The 8-Bit Guy, right here:
For dedicated fans, he also offers to sign your copy.

Commodore 64 Gamers’ Choice 2020 Award at Retro Gamer Nation
(News written on 06.01.2021)

We have a number of Protovision games nominated for the RGN award: MW ULTRA, Zeta Wing, Wormhole, Planet X2.1 and Outrage.
If you haven’t done so already, vote now!

NEWS FROM THE C64 SCENE: Vandalism News #71
(News written on 30.11.2020)

Vandalism News is a C64 disk magazine by Onslaught and Offence. Issue 71 was recently released! Find the latest news, reports and background about different aspects of the C64 scene. All is presented in an advanced outfit, for you to enjoy on your C64.

As usual, a chapter called “The Market” gives developers the opportunity to tell what is new about their projects.

Protovision wise you can find the following here:

  • An overview about recent titles such as MW Ultra (co-op with Psytronik) and Planet X2.1
  • News about upcoming games like Soul Force, Outrage and latest hardware
  • Insights to Briley Witch Chronicles and Wild Wood by their creators

Download Vandalism News #71 from CSDb!

Getting started…
After the intro and an opening image, chose your article in the menu. This is more detailed now and spread over 5 screens. To navigate to “The Market”, switch to page 3 (cursor right), select respective chapter (Cursor down and Return), insert requested diskside (5), and there you go!

Happy reading!

Planet X2.1 – Available Now to Order
(News written on 25.10.2020)

The cartridge based real-time strategy game Planet X2.1 is now available to order from the Protovision Shop. Planet X2.1 is an enhanced version of the original game from The 8-Bit Guy, containing a number of improved features. Grab your copy now!

Planet X2.1: Look at what we have been working on!
(News written on 21.10.2020)

The Protovision team has been busy working on a collaborative project to make the best selling C64 game of 2017 even better. Head out over to the Protovision Website to find out further details. The game will become available later THIS month.

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