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Space Moguls

Space MogulsYou've won a place in the final round of Earth's most expensive competition ever held! Contestants in Space Moguls have battled it out to four remaining contestants. In the final round you and three other finalists will travel by spaceship to a new planet, bringing only the minimum amount of supplies to survive! You're ready to battle for the title of the ultimate Space Mogul!

In order to thrive you must produce food, energy, materials and ore. To create more wealth you can also mine rare materials. Droids are available to help you, the droids can be outfitted and put to work on land that you reserve. Each turn you choose one cell of land with an opportunity to sometimes bid on an extra cell! Wisely equip a droid and put it to work on each cell to increase your survivability, cash value and rank. When the show comes to an end the winner will be determined and a ride back to earth awaits! As long as everything goes according to plan...

Space Moguls is a tribute to one of the earliest major milestones in strategy games. 35 years ago M.U.L.E. was created by Ozark Softscape – a title that has been an inspiration ever since. The game supports multiple multiplayer adapters: Inception, Superpad, Protovision 4 player adapter.

Ordering the game:
Boxed Edition
Digital Download

Minimum system requirements:
C64 or C128 in C64 mode.

Also compatible with:
1541 Ultimate

This game works perfectly on both PAL and NTSC and supports Inception, Superpad and the Protovision 4 player adapter.

DownloadSpace Moguls Original Soundtrack (for free!)
For all those of you who want to just listen to the brilliant music without being disturbed by alien attacks, Prosonix provides you with a PRG to listen to their wonderful music separately. Don't try to find an additional unused tune unless you are sure you want to find it.

Development status:

Distribution: Protovision
Coding: Carl-Henrik Skårstedt
Graphics: Carl-Henrik Skårstedt
Music: Stein Pedersen & Ole-Marius Pettersen


Character Select
Character Select
Player Overview
Player Overview
Stats / Development
Stats / Development
Game Menu
Game Menu

Status updates:

Space Moguls – Updated version
Written by Protovision on 22.11.2024

Space Moguls for the Commodore 64 is a great looking homage to the strategy classic M.U.L.E. that we released back in 2018. Coder Carl-Henrik Skårstedt has recently picked up the game project again in order to attend to a couple of bugs and to clean up some art issues.

For those of you who have already purchased Space Moguls from either our online Protovision Shop or our Itch.Io page, you can access the updated digital version via the download link you were originally supplied when you made your purchase.

If you haven’t heard of Space Moguls before then why not head on over to the game page for more information.

Brotkastenfreunde #010: New games for the C64 feat. Space Moguls [German]
Written by Protovision on 08.05.2022

The 10th episode of the brotkastenfreunde podcast is dedicated to C64 games that have been released since Commodore went bankrupt. Steffen and Christian focus on newer good titles that are not that well known. These were divided into different categories. The category "inspired games" contains a short feature on Space Moguls by Carl-Henrik Skårstedt – direct link.

Complete episode:

Space Moguls Longplay [German]
Written by Protovision on 24.04.2022

German YouTuber 8-Bit Flo effortlessly plays through a session of Space Moguls in one of his latest game play videos. Featuring German audio commentary, you can check it out here:

Space Moguls anniversary & New preview videos
Written by Protovision on 08.12.2020

It’s been 2 years since Space Moguls by Carl-Henrik was released through Protovision! To celebrate this great anniversary, Carl-Henrik has released three videos showing what he is working on nowadays. The third one is a good looking “Island Game With Adventure Elements”.
Visit and for more!

Space Moguls Retrospective Published Online
Written by Protovision on 29.09.2020

Space Moguls is one of our favourite titles that we have released under the Protovision label and is a wonderful tribute to M.U.L.E. The game’s author, Carl-Hendrik Skarstedt, has recently published an interesting technical retrospective article. While you are on his blog site, why don’t you check out Carl-Hendrik’s other C64 games and get a glimpse of his upcoming titles.

Space Moguls Reached Place 3 on the Reset64 Game of the Year List
Written by Protovision on 14.03.2019

Both Space Moguls and MAH v2.0 were received very well by the jury for the Game of the Year Award of the Reset64 magazine and got good reviews. In the overall ranking Space Moguls reached the third place. Congratulations to the Space Moguls team! More Infos here:

Buy Space Moguls

Download the Soundtrack of Space Moguls now!
Written by Protovision on 16.02.2019

The soundtrack of our strategy game Space Moguls (from Prosonix) is now available as a free download in .prg format. Hidden easter egg?

Protovision Games in Digital Talk #104
Written by Protovision on 13.01.2019

Just in time for Christmas, the new issue of the German speaking diskmag Digital Talk – #104 – was released.
While being in German mostly, some articles are included in English as well. This includes an
interview with Carl-Henrik Skarstedt, programmer of Space Moguls. He reveals how the game came to be and how he approached the project. Also, he gives some tips for getting started.
The interview is part of a Gaming Special.

Space Moguls is available now!
Written by Protovision on 07.12.2018

Space Moguls, the homage to the strategy classic M.U.L.E. is now available! There is a disk, a cartridge or disk & cartridge version, each in a beautiful box including goodies, waiting for you in our shop. Buy it here!

Space Moguls available soon!
Written by Protovision on 27.11.2018

Space Moguls C64

Space Moguls is coming real soon to a C64 near you! Celebrating the 35th anniversary of M.U.L.E. this game is meant as an hommage to the classic strategy game. Prepare for a box full of goodies and gimmicks accompaining the manual and media. Space Moguls will be available in a disk, a cartridge or disk & cartridge version. More Infos about the Game: Click here!

Watch Space Moguls on the Yacht Club Games Twitch channel!
Written by Protovision on 25.07.2018

Want to know and see more about our upcoming strategy game Space
Moguls? Then tune in to the Yacht Club Games Twitch channel on
wednesday, 25th at 22:00 CET!

In development: new C64 games at Protovision
Written by Protovision on 26.06.2018

We’re keeping things trasnsparent – we’d like to announce a few new C64 games, which are currently in development:

Briley Witch Chronicles – a humour-laden RPG with cat, based on the book series by Sarah Jane Avory.

Interview with Sarah:





Space Moguls – an ode to the underrated space game M.U.L.E. – with 4 Player Interface support.






Cursed Tomb – because who doesn’t like to raid tombs every now and then!







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