Outrage In the tradition of "Hawkeye", you are steering a hero through a number of platform levels. In a shop you can obtain different weapons. Outrage inspires through colorful graphics and great design.
Outrage was produced by Cosmos Designs for the Boeder Talent Competition in cooperation with the 64'er magazine a long time ago. However, it was not released back then. We in Protovision bought the rights to distribute the game from Bernd Buchegger, who supplied us with the remnants of the game – of course without source codes and with a few bugs and glitches we'd liked to get fixed before a release. However, we were lacking the resources to work on this game, so we were looking for help. Psytronik came along and showed interest in finalizing and distributing the game, but they, too, were facing the same problems as we did. Thanks to everyone involved in this project, we can finally announce that Outrage has been completed!
5 levels fully packed with finest arcade action (Hawkeye style)
Produced by: Cosmos Designs
Distribution: Protovision / Psytronik
Coder: Bernd Buchegger
Graphics: Bernd Buchegger
Music: Karl Sommer
More info:
Check out the Outrage website with the extraordinary story on the development of this game – including timeline!
Status updates:
Outrage featured in Retro Gamer #235 (News written on 10.07.2022)
The long lost Run’n’Gun by Cosmos Designs has finally been covered by the well-known Retro Gamer magazine: The latest issue includes an interview with the creator Bernd Buchegger about the making of Outrage in the "Champion Coder" section.
Considering we co-published Outrage together with Psytronik Software at the turn of the year 2020/2021 already, we were not sure if this was still going to happen – until now!
To order your copy of Retro Gamer issue 235, go to MagazinesDirect.
Thanks to the Retro Gamer staff, we are able to provide the article for free at The Outrageous Chronicle.
Outrage – Creator talks on Level Up Live Stream (News written on 02.07.2022)
This Saturday (July 2, 2022), Bernd Buchegger of Cosmos Designs will be talking about Outrage – his C64 game that was released by Protovision in cooperation with Psytronik Software 30 years after development had begun. One of the topics will be the attempt to enter the Guinness Book of Records with Outrage.
Top 20 C64 games from the last two decades featuring Protovision (News written on 10.04.2022)
Old Style Gaming compiled a video with his personal 20 favorite games released after the C64 ceased production. We are happy to find these Protovision games among them:
Review: Outrage tested with full dedication [German] (News written on 21.03.2022)
What happens if someone tests Outrage with full dedication? OldMetalheadGaming literally played until his fingers bled and gave it all. One of the most hilarious reviews that we have seen so far – well deserved place in the Outrageous Chronicle!
Check it out (in German):
Outrage physical edition available again (News written on 28.01.2022)
The revenge campaign from Cosmos Designs may go on… We finally have new stock of the C64 run and gun Outrage at the ready now, waiting for your purchase.
RETURN #46: MW Ultra & Outrage reviewed, pixel art featuring Lobo [German] (News written on 19.09.2021)
In issue 46, RETURN reports on Protovision for the third time in a row, this time covering the two collaborative releases with Psytronik:
Cosmos Designs‘ long-lost run ’n‘ gun Outrage was examined in detail. Staff concludes: "A tough challenge that’s still fun to play today, despite its 30-year-old design." Coder Bernd Buchegger was on hand to answer questions about the game’s unusual genesis.
The underrated MW Ultra was also reviewed. The article praises among other things the attention to detail as well as the depth of the game and appreciates MW Ultra as one of the best action adventures for the Commodore 64.
Our graphic artist Lobo not only created the print artwork for Outrage and MW Ultra, he is also very active as a pixel artist. In the "Pixel Art" section of this issue, you can admire some of his works.
Outrage & Soul Force in C64 games showcase on YouTube (News written on 12.09.2021)
Byte Sized Retro #7 by BastichB 64K features 40 C64 games, among them are Outrage and Soul Force:
New Lotek64 released: Four Protovision games reviewed [German] (News written on 17.07.2021)
Issue 62 of the popular German language fanzine Lotek64 is out!
This issue features four (!) of our recent games: Outrage, Wormhole, Soul Force and Zeta Wing. To our delight, all titles have been well received by the editors. As a special treat, you can find a detailed interview with Bernd Buchegger, the programmer of Outrage.
Also exciting to read is the story of the creator of The Camp: mac of tugcs (part 2 of 2).
You can get Lotek64 #62 at the following link: lotek64.com.
Retro Annual 2020: Four Protovision games reviewed (News written on 30.05.2021)
The Retro Annual 2020 has been shipped to backers of its Kickstarter campaign. This outstanding book includes reviews of four Protovision titles. The rating scheme is graphics / audio / gameplay / staying power / overall. Ratings:
All of these games can be purchased as instant digital downloads. Boxed Collectors editions can be ordered again from June 1 when our shop is fully back in action.
So hang on, we are almost there!
K&A Plus #18: Soul Force, Outrage, Zeta Wing reviewed & more! (News written on 28.05.2021)
Issue #18 of K&A Plus is here. This excellent fanzine heavily features Protovision titles! Their rating scheme is graphics / sound / gameplay and we are pleased that our games received positive responses.
– Soul Force reviewed (rating: 10 / 8 / 9)
– Outrage reviewed (rating: 9 / 9 / 9), also Bernd Buchegger (coder) interviewed
– Zeta Wing reviewed (rating: 9 / 7 / 8)
– S.P.R.E.R.O. V1.3 on cover disk (exclusive!), also in the news
– Briley Witch Chronicles in the news
The magazine is available in both English and Polish and can be purchased in either print or digital format from here: #18 on the K&A Plus Website.
The reviewed games listed above are available as instant digital downloads while the Boxed Collectors editions can be ordered when our online shop re-opens on June 1. So make sure to mark that date in your calendar!
RETURN TV Episode 9: Protovision – with special guest Bernd Buchegger [German] (News written on 15.05.2021)
A portrait of Protovision as a publisher of new C64 games – that’s the topic of the current edition of RETURN TV!
Showcasing nine exemplary titles from almost 25 years, the two moderators illustrate the evolution of Protovision.
On the occasion of the release of Outrage, they have invited its programmer and graphic designer for a video interview. Bernd Buchegger answers questions about the extraordinary development story of this long lost run ’n‘ gun by Cosmos Designs.
Enjoy this almost one hour long video – with lots of background information and nice anecdotes!
Outrage as an Example for Persistence (News written on 28.03.2021)
Arnold Blueml (Arny of Cosmos Designs) posted an interesting article highlighting how persistence is one of the key ingredients to success. Using the recently completed Run and Gun Outrage – available from Protovision here – Arnold’s inspirational post is a wonderful journey of bringing a game to release after 30 years!
Read the article on LinkedIn.
ZZap! 64 Micro Action #1 – Soul Force & Outrage reviewed (News written on 27.03.2021)
Fusion Retro Books recently published the first issue of ZZap! 64 Micro Action. This great new publication features:
a review of our shooting star Soul Force, scoring an overall rating of 95% (ZZap! 64 Sizzler)
an Outrage review, achieving a blasting overall rating of 79%
a cover story about our friends in Cosmos Designs, along with a timeline of all their published games
In fact, Soul Force is the first game to receive a ZZap! 64 Sizzler Award under this fine magazine.
Outrage: Lotek64 article translated to English (News written on 20.02.2021)
Earlier this month, an in-depth article about Outrage by Georg Fuchs (Lord Lotek) had been published via Lotek64 Blog. It just had one flaw: Being in German language only, its audience was limited.
We are happy to announce that an English version has recently been published on the Vandalism News website. Georg translated his article himself, while David Simmons (Jazzcat) took care of the proof reading.
Now, more people get the chance to read this fine review, next to an enlightening interview with Bernd Buchegger (Panther). Outrage: Revenge! Finally.
Lotek 64: Outrage review and interview [German] (News written on 07.02.2021)
Our Run and Gun release Outrage was featured by Lotek64 with a detailed review and an interview with programmer Bernd Buchegger. Issue 62 with the report will only be published in summer. However, you can already read this article in the Lotek64-Blog – Late Revenge: Outrage (C64).
The Outrageous Chronicle launched (News written on 30.01.2021)
Outrage – the Run and gun hit by Cosmos Designs recently released by Protovision in cooperation with Psytronik – created quite some impact. To cover this, coder Bernd Buchegger aka Panther created the OUTRAGOUES CHRONICLE project. Here he collects all news, awards, articles, reviews, videos etc. about this special game: www.outragegame.com/chronicle.
Enjoy exploring, watching and reading! Have you got a page or video that is not covered by this archive? Please get in touch!
Zeta Wing takes out RGN C64 Gamers’ Choice Award (News written on 10.01.2021)
We are happy to announce that Zeta Wing by Sarah Jane Avory has been voted by the C64 community as the most popular game for 2020. We are very pleased that Protovision was able to secure 3 places in the top 10 (Zeta Wing, MW Ultra and Outrage). Check out the video presentation by Retro Gamer Nation for full results!
Commodore 64 Gamers’ Choice 2020 Award at Retro Gamer Nation (News written on 06.01.2021)